Sports teams play their best to the very end to win the championship and take home the big, beautiful trophy. Yet even the best employee in a company, putting in their all day in and day out, may never receive any kind of award to take home or display in their office.
Did you know that while a pay raise is great, the real motivator in most workplaces is actually recognition?
Some people view money as something that can come and go, but a lavish plaque can be lovingly hung on an office wall to be admired – and envied – for many years. Receiving an award in front of your peers and even those above you can elevate you and will provide strong motivation for a long time. And unlike a pay increase, which is typically somewhat confidential, a beautiful award or plaque can be shown off for all to see.
If you are interested in motivating your employees or your team to get the very best out of them, remember that recognition is better than money. Call us today to discuss all of your award and plaque needs.
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